Godot 51

Godot3 API - Customizing mouse cursor

Customizing mouse cursor Godot3 API - Docs » Inputs » Customizing mouse cursor You might want to change the appearance of the mouse cursor in your game in order to suit the overall design. There are two ways to customize the mouse cursor: 전체 디자인에 맞게 게임에서 마우스 커서의 모양을 변경하고자 할 수 있습니다. 마우스 커서를 사용자 정의하는 두 가지 방법이 있습니다: Using project settings Using a script Using project settings is a simpler but more ..

game/godot 2018.11.01

Godot3 API - Mouse and input coordinates

Mouse and input coordinates Godot3 API - Docs » Inputs » Mouse and input coordinates About The reason for this small tutorial is to clear up many common mistakes about input coordinates, obtaining mouse position and screen resolution, etc. 이 작은 자습서를 사용하는 이유는 입력 좌표, 마우스 위치 및 화면 해상도 등에서 자주 발생하는 많은 실수를 정리해야하기 때문입니다. Hardware display coordinates Using hardware coordinates makes sense in the case of ..

game/godot 2018.10.30

Godot3 API - Audio Streams

Audio Streams Gogot 3 - Docs » Audio » Audio Streams Introduction As you might have read already in the Audio Buses Tutorial , sound is sent to each bus via an AudioStreamPlayer. 오디오 버스 자습서에서 이미 읽었던 것처럼, 사운드는 AudioStreamPlayer를 통해 각 버스로 전송됩니다. There are many types of AudioStreamPlayers which will be explained in detail. Each of it loads an AudioStream and plays it back. AudioStreamPlayer에는 여러 가지..

game/godot 2018.10.27

Godot3 API - StaticBody2D

Godot3 API - StaticBody2D Godot API 3.0 > Godot API > RigidBody2D StaticBody2D Inherits: PhysicsBody2D < CollisionObject2D < Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object Category: Core Brief Description Static body for 2D Physics. 2D 물리를위한 정적바디. Member Variables float bounce - The body's bounciness. Values range from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (full bounciness). body의 탄력성. 값의 범위는 0 (바운스 없음)에서 1 (바운스 전체)입니다. floa..

game/godot 2018.10.25