Godot3 47

Godot - Packaging Godot

Packaging Godot Godot - Docs » Compiling » Packaging Godot Godot has features to make it easier to distribute and to package it for application repositories. Godot은 어플리케이션 저장소를 위해 배포하고 패키징하는 것을 더 쉽게 해주는 기능을 가지고 있습니다. Default behaviour By default, Godot stores all settings and installed templates in a per-user directory. First Godot checks the APPDATA environment variable. If it exists, the per-u..

game/godot 2018.11.30

Godot - Optimizing a build for size

Optimizing a build for size Godot - Docs » Compiling » Optimizing a build for size Rationale Sometimes, it is desired to optimize a build for size rather than speed. This means not compiling unused functions from the engine, as well as using specific compiler flags to aid on decreasing build size. Common situations include creating builds for mobile and Web platforms. 가끔 속도보다는 크기를 위해 빌드를 최적화하는 것..

game/godot 2018.11.29

Godot - Console support in Godot

Console support in Godot Godot - Docs » Platform-specific » Console support in Godot Official support Godot currently does not officially support consoles (except the Xbox One using UWP). Godot은 현재 공식적으로 콘솔을 지원하지 않습니다 (UWP를 사용하는 Xbox One 제외). The reasons for this are: 그 이유는 다음과 같습니다: To develop for consoles, one must be licensed as a company. As an open source project, Godot does not have such a..

game/godot 2018.11.28

Godot - Services for iOS

Services for iOS Godot - Docs » Platform-specific » Services for iOS At the moment, there are two iOS APIs partially implemented, GameCenter and Storekit. Both use the same model of asynchronous calls explained below. 현재 부분적으로 구현 된 두 가지 iOS API 인 GameCenter와 Storekit가 있습니다. 두 모델 모두 아래에 설명 된 것과 동일한 비동기 호출 모델을 사용합니다. Asynchronous methods When requesting an asynchronous operation, the method will l..

game/godot 2018.11.27

Gdoot - Android in-app purchases

Android in-app purchases Godot - Docs » Platform-specific » Android in-app purchases인앱 결제 테스트 - google Godot engine has integrated GooglePaymentsV3 module with which we can implement in-app purchases in our game. Godot 엔진은 우리 게임에서 인앱 구매를 구현할 수있는 GooglePaymentsV3 모듈을 통합했습니다. The Godot engine demo project repository has an android-iap example project. It includes a gdscript interface for android I..

game/godot 2018.11.26

Godot3 - Compiling for Android - Troubleshooting Fail

scons 컴파일 에러 발생 How to compile a module using the C++ STL for Android Bullet PR: Unable to build for Android #12347 Compiling for android throws error with 3.0 branch #22946 결국 Godot 3.0.6 compile Success Process방법으로 성공했다. 아래 내용은 히스토리로 남겨둔다. ===== In file included from thirdparty\bullet\BulletCollision\BroadphaseCollision\btAxisSweep3.cpp:20: In file included from thirdparty\bullet\BulletCollisi..

game/godot 2018.11.24

Godot3 - Compiling for Android

Compiling for Android Godot3 - Docs » Compiling » Compiling for Android Godot3 - Compiling for Android - Troubleshooting Fail Note For most cases, using the built-in deployer and export templates is good enough. Compiling the Android APK manually is mostly useful for custom builds or custom packages for the deployer. 대부분의 경우 기본 제공 배포자 및 내보내기 템플릿을 사용하면 충분합니다. Android APK를 수동으로 컴파일하는 것은 배포자 용 맞춤 빌..

game/godot 2018.11.23