Godot3 47

Godot3 API - Audio Streams

Audio Streams Gogot 3 - Docs » Audio » Audio Streams Introduction As you might have read already in the Audio Buses Tutorial , sound is sent to each bus via an AudioStreamPlayer. 오디오 버스 자습서에서 이미 읽었던 것처럼, 사운드는 AudioStreamPlayer를 통해 각 버스로 전송됩니다. There are many types of AudioStreamPlayers which will be explained in detail. Each of it loads an AudioStream and plays it back. AudioStreamPlayer에는 여러 가지..

game/godot 2018.10.27

Godot3 API - StaticBody2D

Godot3 API - StaticBody2D Godot API 3.0 > Godot API > RigidBody2D StaticBody2D Inherits: PhysicsBody2D < CollisionObject2D < Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object Category: Core Brief Description Static body for 2D Physics. 2D 물리를위한 정적바디. Member Variables float bounce - The body's bounciness. Values range from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (full bounciness). body의 탄력성. 값의 범위는 0 (바운스 없음)에서 1 (바운스 전체)입니다. floa..

game/godot 2018.10.25