
mac iTerm2 alt+arrow, alt+backspace shortcuts

C/H 2020. 5. 1. 22:34
  1. Go to iTerm PreferencesProfiles
  2. select your profile
  3. then the Keys tab with its sub-tab Key Mappings
  4. Click Load Preset...
    and choose Natural Text Editing

Mac Iterm2 Profile keys Presseting

alt + left:  send ESC + b
alt + right: send ESC + f
alt + backspace:  send HEX "0x17"

1. 환경설정(Cmd+,)

2. Profile

3. Keys 탭 > Key Mappings 항목

4. 변경 : Option(Alt) + ← : Send Escape Sequence + b

5. 변경 : Option(Alt) + → : Send Escape Sequence + f

6. 추가 : Option(Alt) + 🔙(Backspace) : Send Hex Code + 0x17


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