
Building a JavaScript-Based Game Engine for the Web

C/H 2011. 1. 20. 17:35
HTML5 Canvas와 jQuery 등의 JavaScript FrameWork를 이용한 게임개발에 대한 설명과 AVES 엔진에 대한 설명입니다.
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** Building a JavaScript-Based Game Engine for the Web
- Paul Bakaus, June 11, 2010, Google


* Oh noes! Canvas is a lot slower!
- Canvas image API is pretty inefficient, as it needs as DOM representation of the image first.
- Which means if you're working with lots of graphics. Canvas is actually way slower than generic HTML.

* Block Rendering.

* Block rendering?
- directly replace innerHTML with a huge string instead of multiple DOM append Operations.
- Huge performance boost.
 -- active parsing of HTML engine is really fast.
 -- Reflow and Repaint occur only once.
- Hug disadvantage.
 -- No reference to individual nodes!

* Lazy node linking.
- Fixes the main disadvantage of missing references.
- After innerHTML has been set. run:
- var elements = S('"', container);
- Now you have a collection of all elements!
- Since you know the order of the construction. you can reference back.

* Conservative method.
- Build <div>'s and style them via JavaScript (on the style tag).
- Render them out enbloque through innerHTML.
- Ugh. still kind of slow...
- I want more!
 -- <div style="position: absolute; top: 122px; left: 145px; z-index: 102; background-image: url(house_1.png); margin-top: -10px; margin-left: -10px; background-position: 10px 33px;"></div>

* Web method
- Don't ignore the layout layers.
 -- expecially not external CSS
- Keep the style tag of the <div> Object minimal:
 -- z-index top, left

* What is event delegation?
- A technique to .. forward" events to implicit listeners.
- In web development. usually the following:
 -- Bind an event to the root node except for the actual child element.
 -- When an event happens (i.e. click). find out if the target or an ancestor matches the child element.
 -- Moves processing efforts to when the event happens, scales really well.

* One event to rule them all.
- "???"
 -- Handles position detection. dragging.
- "???"
 -- Handles drag start. clicking.
- "???"
 -- Handles drag stop. clicking.

* Clicking on objects.
- Yay, I can click on houses!
- Mh, I can click on transparency. too...
- This kind of sucks!

* Click through maps.
- Build up a ??? for each object that tells us where the transparent pixels are.
- if transparent, check behind until you find a valid target.
 -- ???
- WOOt. this fixes our issue!

* Building up those pixel maps is amazingly crappy owrk!

* Let Canvas do it!
- Canvas can read pixel data form images.
- then, we can check if our pixel is in fact transparent.
- ...and save this 0/1 value in a new optimized. smaller array.
- ???

* Action surfaces.

* ?
- Basically a droppable for widgets or other objects.
- Transformed to isometric projection in real item using CSS Transforms.
- Way cool!

* CSS Transforms needed
- ???

* Server-side JavaScript

* WTF?!?!
,,JavaScript is painful enough already, now you want me to work with it in the backend as wel?"

* Why JavaScript?
- A single scripting lanauage per project dramatically speeds up development.
- Great portions of client side code (i.e. for calculations) can be reused without costs.
- ???

* JavaScript in the Browser.

* JavaScript in node.

* Node's features.
- Google's V8 engine running on server.
- Server and scripting combined.
- Comes with sugar ( pretty modules for system. servers etc. )
- Everything is non-blocking (file system calls etc.)
- EcmaScript 5

* Modules
- CommonJS module system.
- Very handy for organizing code.
- No way around it in Node.js - without modules. no(useful) app.
- Common modules: sys, fs, http, process.

* The great innovation?

* Node is completely event-driven.
- ???

* Server
- not threaded.
- no multiple processes.
- can serve and thandle a lot more requests at a time.
- eats a lot less memory.

* IO / API
- Accessing external data is always non-blocking.
- You got that right - node.js cat't be stopped easily!

* Hello world in node.js
- ???

* Finally - get rid of limitations.
- ???

* "MMOGs" in browsers.
- almost all games are limited to a couple thousand players per world instance.
- we want real multiplayer!
 -- worlds with millions of players
 -- no (thechnical) fragmentation between worlds.
 -- 200+ characters on a single viewport.


* ?
- Professional game engine for the web.
- Commercially licensable.
- Cross-platform (yes, works on smartphones!)
- Comes with all mentioned features ( and more )
- Currently in alpha.


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