
Practical Vim 2판 정리 페이지 Index

C/H 2019. 1. 16. 08:30

Practical Vim 2판 정리 페이지

정말 잘 정리해 놓은 페이지다.

  1. Use Vim’s Factory Settings
  2. 1. The Vim Way
    1. Tip 1. Dot Command
    2. Tip 2. Don’t Repeat Yourself
    3. Tip 3. Take One Step Back, Then Three Forward
      1. Make the Motion Repeatable
    4. Tip 4. Act, Repeat, Reverse
    5. Tip 5. Find and Replace by Hand
    6. Tip 6. Meet Dot formular
      1. 이상적 해결책: 한 키로 이동, 한 키로 실행
  3. Part 1. Modes
  4. Chapter 2. Normal Mode(일반 모드)
    1. Tip 7. Pause with Your Brush Off the Page
    2. Tip 8. Chunk Your Undos
      1. 입력 모드에서 이동하면 변경이 재설정된다.
    3. Tip 9. Compose Repeatable Changes
    4. Tip 10. Use Counts to Do Simple Arithmetic
      1. 숫자 포맷
    5. Tip 11. Don’t Count If You Can Repeat
    6. Tip 12. Combine and Conquer
      1. Extending Vim’s Combinatorial Powers
        1. Custom Operators Work with Existing Motions
        2. Custom Motions Work with Existing Operators
        3. Meet Operator-Pending Mode
  5. Chapter 3. Insert Mode(입력 모드)
    1. Tip 13. Make Corrections Instantly from Insert Mode
    2. Tip 14. Get Back to Normal Mode
      1. Meet Insert Normal Mode
    3. Tip 15. Paste from a Register Without Leaving Insert Mode
      1. Remap the Caps Lock Key
      2. Use <Ctrl-r>{register} for Character-wise Registers
    4. Tip 16. Do Back-of-the-Envelope Calculations in Place
    5. Tip 17. Insert Unusual Characters by Character Code
    6. Tip 18. Insert Unusual Characters by Digraph
    7. Tip 19. Overwrite Existing Text with Replace Mode
      1. Overwrite Tab Characters with Virtual Replace Mode
  6. Chapter 4. Visual Mode
    1. Tip 20. Grok Visual Mode
      1. Meet Select Mode
    2. Tip 21. Define a Visual Selection
      1. Enabling Visual Modes
      2. Switching Between Visual Modes
      3. Toggling the Free End of a Selection
        1. Preparation
        2. Indent Once, Then Repeat
    3. Tip 23. Prefer Operators to Visual Commands Where Possible
      1. Using a Visual Operator
      2. Using a Normal Operator
      3. Discussion
    4. Tip 24. Edit Tabular Data with Visual-Block Mode
    5. Tip 25. Change Columns of Text
    6. Tip 26. Append After a Ragged Visual Block
      1. “i”와 “a” 사용법
  7. Chapter 5. Command-Line Mode
    1. Tip 27. Meet Vim’s Command Line
      1. On the Etymology of Vim (and Family)
      2. Special Keys in Vim’s Command-Line Mode
      3. Ex Commands Strike Far and Wide
    2. Tip 28. Execute a Command on One or More Consecutive Lines
      1. Use Line Numbers as an Address
      2. Specify a Range of Lines by Address
      3. Specify a Range of Lines by Visual Selection
      4. Specify a Range of Lines by Patterns
      5. Modify an Address Using an Offset
  8. Part II. Files
  9. Chapter 6. Manage Multiple Files
    1. Tip 37. Track Open Files with the Buffer List
      1. Understand the Distinction Between Files and Buffers
      2. Meet the Buffer List
      3. Use the Buffer List
      4. Deleting Buffers
      5. Group Buffers into a Collection with the Argument List
      6. Populate the Argument List
      7. Use the Argument List
  10. Chapter 7. Open Files and Save Them to Disk
    1. Tip 42. Open a File by Its Filepath Using ‘:edit’
      1. Open a File Relative to the Current Working Directory
      2. Open a File Relative to the Active File Directory
      3. Easy Expansion of the Active File Directory
    2. Tip 43. Open a File by Its Filename Using ‘:find’
      1. Configure the ‘path’
      2. Smart Path Management with rails.vim
      3. Use ‘:find’ to Look up Files by Name
    3. Tip 44. Explore the File System with netrw
      1. Preparation
      2. Meet netrw—Vim’s Native File Explorer
      3. Opening the File Explorer
      4. Working with Split Windows
      5. Doing More with netrw
    4. Tip 45. Save Files to Nonexistent Directories
    5. Tip 46. Save a File as the Super User
  11. Part III. Getting Around Faster
  12. CHAPTER 8. Navigae Inside Files with Motions
    1. Tip 47. Keep Your Fingers on the Home Row
      1. Leave Your Right Hand Where It Belongs
    2. Tip 48. Distinguish Between Real Lines and Display Lines
      1. Remap Line Motion Commands
    3. Tip 49. Move Word-Wise
      1. Know Your Words from Your WORDS
    4. Tip 50. Find by Character
      1. Don’t Throw Away the Reverse Character Search Command
      2. Character Searches Can Include or Exclude the Target
      3. Think Like a Scrabble® Player
  13. CHAPTER 9.Navigate Between Files with Jumps
    1. Tip 56. Traverse the Jump List
      1. Beware of Mapping the Tab Key
    2. Tip 57. Traverse the Change List
      1. Marks for the Last Change
  14. Part IV. Registers
  15. CHAPTER 10. Copy and Paste
    1. Tip 60. Delete, Yank, and Put with Vim’s Unnamed Register
      1. Transposing Characters
      2. Transposing Lines
      3. Duplicating Lines
      4. Oops! I Clobbered My Yank
    2. Tip 61. Grok Vim’s Registers
      1. Addressing a Register
      2. Vim’s Terminology Versus the World
      3. The Unnamed Register (“”)
      4. The Yank Register (“0)
      5. The Named Registers (“a–”z)
      6. The Black Hole Register (“_)
      7. The System Clipboard (“+) and Selection (“*) Registers
      8. The Expression Register (“=)
      9. More Registers
    3. Tip 62. Replace a Visual Selection with a Register
      1. Swap Two Words
    4. Tip 63. Paste from a Register
      1. Pasting Character-wise Regions
      2. Pasting Line-Wise Regions
    5. Tip 64. Interact with the System Clipboard
      1. Locating the System Paste Command
      2. Using the System Paste Command in Insert Mode
      3. Avoid Toggling ‘paste’ by Putting from the Plus Register
  16. CHAPTER 11. Macros
    1. Tip 65. Record and Execute a Macro
      1. Capture a Sequence of Commands by Recording a Macro
      2. Play Back a Sequence of Commands by Executing a Macro
        1. Execute the Macro in Series
        2. Execute the Macro in Parallel
    2. Tip 66. Normalize, Strike, Abort
      1. Normalize the Cursor Position
      2. Strike Your Target with a Repeatable Motion
      3. Abort When a Motion Fails
    3. Tip 67. Play Back with a Count
    4. Tip 68. Repeat a Change on Contiguous Lines
      1. Record One Unit of Work
      2. Execute Macro in Series
      3. Execute Macro in Parallel
      4. Deciding: Series or Parallel
    5. Tip 69. Append Commands to a Macro
    6. Tip 72. Edit the Contents of a Macro
      1. The Problem: Nonstandard Formatting
      2. Paste the Macro into a Document
      3. Keyboard Codes in Macros
      4. Edit the Text
      5. Yank the Macro from the Document Back into a Register
  17. CHAPTER 18. Search Project-Wide with grep, vimgrep, and Others
    1. Tip 109. Call grep Without Leaving Vim
      1. Using grep from the Command Line
      2. Calling grep from Inside Vim
    2. Tip 110. Customize the grep Program
      1. Vim’s Default grep Settings
      2. Make :grep Call ack
      3. Alternative grep Plugins
      4. Make ack Jump to Line and Column
    3. Tip 111. Grep with Vim’s Internal Search Engine
      1. Specifying Which Files to Look Inside
      2. Search in File, Then Search in Project
      3. Search History and :vimgrep
  18. APPENDIX 1. Customize Vim to Suit Your Preferences
    1. Change Vim’s Settings on the Fly
      1. Save Your Configuration in a vimrc File
      2. Apply Customizations to Certain Types of Files


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